
 it was a monday night, i had to go school early in the morning again cause i had badminton practices.
hehehe, sportyy
i had to finish my science, cause i had to hand-in my workbook that week... but it ended up, teacher saying, hand in on march also can =.=

i dun know why, the skin on my feet keep like this.. i suspect its caused from running on the track during sports day...

sports dayyyy 16,17/2/2012

*sorry late upload

1st day of sports day

 everyone on the field, to take attendance.. then went to sit at the stand area....

after the morning events done, including my 
lembing acara complete...... 

well, that time. 
ava, feli and oli went back for lunch at oli's house together with
oli's mom and sister.
i couldn't go.... for some reason.. so yea..
i spent my time with Gloria. :)
so i wasn't lonely. 

the food for lunch the school provided for atheletes

weren't very ... nice....
       it was simple.... 
               too simple... and tasteless....

so i walked around, went to the kedai outside
to buy food..
 after that, we hanged out around at the another side. 
 LOL! its me lah..
gloria, grace, jasper, and meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
 i look cute here... lol. ahahah
   hot bah hari tu
and bernadine was chatting with her fren there... 
walked back to the area.....its meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee again :p
 agnes wanted to take pictures with me after she saw my fotos in my fon.
LOL, she was like, sarah sarah! jom ambil gambar lh... i nk u post kat fb juga..
i was like, uh huh, no problem.. jom

 lol! i kaki ayam that time.. was getting ready bh for my acara..
swaggerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ;)

i went to toliet before registering my name for the 800m
they wanted to take pic.., so yea, after peeing, i helped taking the picture
oh yea! that's Catherine, one of my frens too, she walked with me to school 
early in the morning :) its great to have accompany.. instead of alone

 after that, i quickly rush back to the seat-area. too put on my plasters onto my foot
butttt, something distracted me... cikgu sesi pagi bah....
then then, cikgu nazihah still haven't arrive..
so i slow slow..
then when she come, i quickly go register my name.... ahahahahahaha

ohmy, i almost forgot to tell u my acara that time..
i was put in ;
and lembing..
but i only participate in 800m n lembing.. cause i kinda fainted after 800m.... ahahahah
yea,,, couldn't breathe properly that time, lost vision..
i saw els, ainen, missel, and all my other friends cheering me on!
but i almost couldn't finish it.
i don't have any fotos of me during the events.. so here are the photos i took from oli :)
 that time i panicked, not cry! but panicked. cause my competiters are soo li hai punya eh....
i was like
mati saya
              mati saya
                      i akan pengsan lah, semua li hai
 true bah!

i was talking with cikgu khalid there.. tuhhh, the girl with the blue colour cloth on a red shirt talking with a cikgu with blue colour shirt n a hat..

after that,,, i ended up at the shed there.. neh, the tent there... pbsm people got rescue people lor...
that time, i was lying on the grass, cikgu Ling Hie asked whether im ok or not...
couldn't answer, still blur that time...
i was really grateful the pbsm people was aggresive, ready on time to save people...
if it wasn't for them, i would have really lost consiciousness .......

after that, i went back to seat, cikgu nazihah saw me..... told me to rest, so i did, els came to accompany me immediately from her tugas... i was really really blur that time out of my vision..

then i realized my feet had a cut... feli helped me over to the another shade area, to get my plaster.. and clean the injured part up....

i remembered something after that, when people asked me, am i alrite? i answered, couldn't breather properly.

but, in my heart was...............
when i was doing my last round on the track, 
i heard, i heard a girl shouting at me, from the stand.. she was, she was, asking me to get out the field i think.. i was just like 100 m again before i reach the finishing line... 

she said something like, 
get off the field! blah blah blah. i think she said in iban or something..
in my mind, i was like, 
u get ur ass here lah! run on the track! at least im better than u. menyertai a event, not like her, sit there goyang2 kaki je tau ! 
that girl, was from green house. she so lucky i didn't see the face, or else, i get one gang go wallop her arh. crazy!!

after the day's events all finished. we went home..... the school bus picked us up, arrived school.
then , me n catherine waalked homeeee..
i couldn't wait to go home that time to restt !
                                       exhausted lah !  of course.

2nd day of sports day

bangun awal, pergi sekolah.
*buat murid baik* :* lol
tunggu bas datang.... wait wait waitt
 sampai stadium, banyak orang.
jalan sini, jalan sana.
cikgu tu, kacak bah...
 cikgu sini, cikgu sana.
banyak cikgu sini sana.
cikgu ini, cikgu sains saya,
dia tu, bergila...
ahahahahah, berpuisi pulak aku nih.
then, i went to buy fooodddd after i told teacher i didn't wan to do my 1500m event, i asked her to give it to Victoria my training buddy, not bad! she ran, and got 3rd place! phew! good girl

btw, we used another way out instead of using the crowded way.. LOL! everyone was so ....... to use the front way.. we smart bh,, use the secret way.. near the dumpster tu...
after like, almost all the events finish, we gathered around a shady area..

 then,, we had to sit in order according houses... i was at the blue side there.. neh.... over there. ^^ lol
IT WAS HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
SO HOT LIKE wah lao~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
BERPELUH LIKE ................. 
 Fourth place : Hijau lahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Third place + Second place= Middle place: blue + red
Champion:  yellow

well, i thought red house would win in an unfair way, cause red house so many athelete... 
but,, ahahah, they didn't :p even thought blue didn't win, im glad kuning won. 

people couldn't wait to go home 

I arrived home, rest sekejapp.. then bath, nap- for like 4 hours ....