hey hey heyyyyyy. 
yea yea i know, i didn't blog lately,
 not bcause i didn't have time, but bcause i was lazyyyyy.
L - A - Z - Y

so so, last week................... wait why is this yellow.... *change* there u goooo..... dark blue writing. 

last last week, on saturday,  31/3/2012 
had my report book day.... 

 so, my cousin dropped me n my auntie out after she saw that there was a traffic near my school -__- she was suppose to drop us at school... oh well............... walk for like 4 minutes, arrived school's gate.........

waited waited waited, cikgu normizawaty (my class teacher) take so longggggggggggggggggggg to explain to the parents........................  so me and abby went around the school,

at my school's pond...

then we went back to the hall, sat and wait. wait wait wait.. teacher haven't done talking =.= before me, still got like around 5+ of my classmates more... after waiting for 1 hour and 15 minutes, finally my turn, and i quickly go straight to the point.. then habis liao, just there for like 3 minutes infront of teacher before she talks....................................... *didn't meant to be rude, was in a hurry* i told teacher i was hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

 when to tompson's corner, met Bernadine and her friends there tooo....
so this is my auntieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ;)
(my mother's 2nd little sister)
i ordered alot.. but didn't take pictures of all what i ordered...

i ordered, laksa, ice lemon tea, kompia, chicken dumplings, fren fries.. and stuff..
 after eating i went to my another auntie ( my mother's brother (my uncle)'s wife) salon... cut my front hair a bit..........

when back home,,, rest for awhile, then Feli ajak me keluar.. so i brought my little cousin along...
to Uncle Tom ;D

 after buying pens at Lucky Star, we came across a bakery, andd feli was mentioning bout this ice-cream, it was hard to find nearby, unexpectedly, it happens tha the bakery got sell. ahaha

after hanging out with feli, i went home, got ready for tuition of course..............
told u the front hair is short -___- 
now, grow liao.. which is expected...
 the hair's cute, but not nice...
this was after tuition class...
after tuition, went home, back to my room..........

i went to school around 9:30 am + the earliest
transport for me to make it on time for my 
library duty o.o 

hehe, ketua harian saya utk hari selasa ;p

after me n my fren put our bags at the canteen, we went to medan 
mall, i spent alot.... almost like rm 30+ -____- huhuh 
after medan, we went back to school, become student baik sudah :)
 i bought these glowbands rm1 each...

it was school holiday, for urmmmmm, "ching-ming" festival...
so, i had time to go to the hospital for a check-up.... 
LOL! funny eyes...
me n my auntie, took the taxi..

it was an exhausting trip.. 
we left at 1:30 pm. when to lanang klinik, then lanang klinik say go ulu oya big hospital, they say 
their x-ray rosakk, had to go big hospital for it..

then my auntie thought the nurse said is "jalan oya klinik"  ... " JALAN OYA" i was shocked
when we arrived at the klinik =.= then she say, just go and ask lah...
then i go ask, the counter said, i went to the wrong area. 
i was right!!! suppose go to the hospital, =.=

then my auntie was at the lab-counter, she wanted to get her blood test results i think,
WAH LAO EH. the 2 counter ladies so rude. talk so garang mcm tu. i do the annoying face to them lor, 
they kan acted rude i also lor , after waiting waiting waiting, for them to find, i said, 
EXCUSE MUI, kembalikan kertas slip tu, esok my auntie datang lagi, sila kembalikan skrg. 

SIBEIIII DE. u know the woman said what? she say, ADIK, tolong sabar sikit boleh tak?, i sedang cari now. tak dpt tengok kah i sibuk here?? my rakan now, calling the hospital to ask.
=.= i say back, O. in my mind, i so wish to complain bout them, mana ada nurse counter people so rude like that one? =.= what the hell man, i really dun like public klinik is because like this lah. 
i cooled myself, n just acted friendly...

then soon, we arrived the hospital, fuiiyohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! when i was on the way to the x-ray room, i passed by so many laki kacak man.......... male nurse..they looked more like trainnee mamamia.......... i was like, i hope i'll come back here again ahahah. 
after that, go do x-ray,, soon the x-ray results was out. then left.

went back to lanang klinik, then they say, when they're ready, they'll call us to come back. i was fine with them, lanang klinik people are friendly :)

then at the evening, i went out to Delta Mall. 
with my 2 cousins and auntie.. met Ava there~ eheh
bought a singapore drama dics, KFC, Toyakiki (whatever its like, little balls filled with flavours)
bought three faciial wash,

 back from tuitionnnn~
